- John F. Kennedy
For those that have enjoyed an intimate discussion with me before, you may attest to the fact that I am an inherently insecure person. Some people cannot believe that a person as outspoken and occasionally "overly confident" as myself could be so INSECURE. I hate to disappoint – but I am. Why do I share this with you..? Simply, I am learning to accept who I am, what my offerings to the world are and share this message with those that can benefit from my experience. I am beginning to realize that its OK to NOT be PERFECT. And I want you to know - its ok for you as well!
Everyday I awaken and focus on what the "topic" of the Morning Motivator will be. Often, I hear a great story of SERVICE, SUCCESS or ACCOMPLISHMENT. Occasionally, I simply reflect on an unusual day – both good and bad. From these experiences, I share what I am beginning to learn about myself, my co-workers and my friends.
As a reader of the Morning Motivator I know a few things about you:
1. You are interested in IMPROVING your life – personally, professionally, financially, spiritually
2. You are DEDICATED to improving the lives of OTHERS – your service is your greatest gift
3. You are ACCEPTING that you do not always have the answers – and are willing to let others help guide you
4. You are NOT PERFECT, you ACCEPT this and your GOAL is to find ways to GROW where you are not at your strongest.
I KNOW - it takes a very POWERFUL person to admit they are NOT perfect. It takes even more STRENGTH to ask for help. As I grow in my life daily, I learn from the people around me, the experiences I endure and the stories that are shared. I am realizing that I am not perfect … and NO ONE ELSE is either. I gain my strength from YOU and dedicate to share that back DAILY.
To OVERCOME challenges in your life and ACCOMPLISH goals – you must be able to "see" them. One way to "see" them is to think about them ALL THE TIME and leverage the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. What do you think about? SUCCESS, COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT, FAMILY HAPPINESS? All are great and noble desires… so make them happen!! Here are some steps to doing so:
* Have your long term GOALS written on a document you have easy access to and look at them daily – make this a waking or bedtime ritual
* Have your short term GOALS noted and carry them until each goal is completed (your BlackBerry will hold this info nicely too) – achieve by osmosis… always have these one you!
* Develop a system to face any challenges that can affect your daily mental performance – i.e. Walk daily if you are insecure about weight, read an inspirational quote if you need a morning boost
It is YOUR responsibility to ensure your own SUCCESS everyday! No one will GIVE you the things you want in life and plenty of people WILL help you get there. ACCEPT yourself for who you are, others for what they are and FOCUS on best ways to improve the overall QUALITY of your day to day experiences. IF you pursue GROWTH opportunities – you will never CHOOSE wrong.
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.
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