Morning Motivator – How Acting Like a Friend Can Earn the Success You Seek

"A friend can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself."
- Frances Ward Weller

In business, the obstacle most persons have to overcome is one of TRUST. You may read books that tell you things such as – build rapport, find common ground, get a referral from a trusted resource, etc. I am here to tell you that those books are GARBAGE! Why? Simply… if that worked, we would all be business SUPERSTARS!

The BEST way to build a business, a personal relationship or a partnership is by sincerely acting as a FRIEND. A real INVESTMENT in the betterment of another person. The idea that you will GIVE of yourself unconditionally confident that the kindness of your EFFORT creates LOYALTY and TRUST. You have heard it before – "All thing being equal – a person will work with a friend. All things NOT being equal – they will likely still work with a friend."

Friendships are based on TRUST and the ability to speak OPENLY to one another. If you find yourself afraid to tell a client something important – ask yourself if you are friends? Is your relationship (or lack thereof) based on pure financials and management strategy? Ask any BUSINESS LEADER or TOP PRODCUING sales agent and they will say the same thing – "I work with people I CARE about… these are my FRIENDS." Are you working to make money … or make friends?

This subject is much more "touchy feely" and thus is more challenging to define. In light of this, I will share with you my PERSONAL strategy for relationship building.

1. Make the initial effort to meet someone – make them comfortable and you will gain their confidences, even if you have to get uncomfortable to do it.

2. Share a story you are excited about – share your dreams and positivity… everyone likes to be inspired.

3. Ask LOTS of questions about them – Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? (easy stuff)

4. Ask for an email address – use a non direct way of communication to allow them to come to you when comfortable

5. Offer a direct next step for ACTION – invite them to an event or schedule a visit for coffee

6. Follow up, follow up, follow up – put their contact in your BlackBerry and schedule time to touch base in the upcoming weeks. (it's your job to make sure they know you are SINCERELY invested in their success)

There is no rhyme or reason to building LASTING bonds of friendship and business. It is simply a CONSISTENT INVESTMENT into that person – no matter the amount. As I have learned, sometimes a SIMPLE text message is all that someone needs to know you care.


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