The HARDEST lessons in life to learn are often the most defining and memorable. Consider this - when was the last time someone said "all the right things" and then when you get to it - you do not get what you EXPECTED. What happened!?
A. The person is full of...
B. That person was unclear on what they were asking or intended.
C. You shared a different VALUE of what to expect.
This past week, I have learned the value of ACTION over DISCUSSION.
When you fail to meet expectations, it is rarely due to the QUALITY of you as a person, your character or ability. It's more a FAILURE to define what you expected or sought up front. Were you aggressive in COMMUNICATING your needs/wants or did you act PASSIVE? Was the other person DIRECT in what they were seeking from you - were YOU? Did you leave it up to CHANCE with the HOPES that it "would all work out?" I have found, more frequently than not, my personal challenges arise by not spending enough time to DEFINE expectations and relying on GOOD KARMA to guide me. What do YOU rely on? How do you ENSURE that your clients and personal contacts will most often have a clear VISION of your intentions and a SHARED purpose in your actions? Here are some steps to help manage that communication BETTER...
1. Clearly state the INTENT of your actions
2. Openly share your GOALS for the interaction
3. Review and repeat your communication
4. INVEST the ongoing time and energy to ensure success
5. EXPECT and ALLOW changes in plans - stay FLEXIBLE
6. Stay committed and honest to yourself and your vision
Keep in mind that things RARELY go accordingly to plan. It is your ACTIONS after the words that will detail your success plan. Keep your eyes and your heart on the LONG-TERM GOAL and focus on finding the best way to it - even if it means taking some uncomfortable paths to get there!!
You either let people define you - or you define yourself. That CHOICE is up to you.
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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