Morning Motivator - Tony Robbins meets the Movie "300"

"The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck"
- Anthony Robbins

One of my favorite movies is the film "300." The premise of the film is an intense battle between the Spartans of Greece, a very small, highly motivated and highly trained (prepared) group, engaged with the great armies of Persia, millions and millions of slaves and ill prepared leaders. My enjoyment of the film is found through the idea of a committed TEAM standing and ACHIEVING against overwhelming odds through FOCUS and PREPARATION. From it, I find one my favorite quotes - "it's not fear that grips him, just a heightened sense of things."

How do we ACHIEVE the "heightened sense of things" concept? How do we OVERCOME the ever bearing FEARS that grip us daily? Simple PREPARATION. Preparation is the combination of STRATEGIC planning aligned with FOCUSED task execution – the VALUE being the strategy. Otherwise, you simply have the EXECUTION of minute, low value tasks that offer little motivation to the group and the individual. Can you think of pointless tasks you do every day? (loaded question)

How does being prepared allow for a "heightened sense of things"? It is preparedness that builds unshakable CONFIDENCE, portrays unparalleled PROFESSIONALISM and ELIMINATES fear of the unknown. Ask your self – are these traits I DESIRE to have? Now ask yourself - how much time am I spending daily to PREPARE for tomorrow, next week, next year, the rest of my life? (personally, professionally, family, physically, mentally, spiritually)


In order to optimize your ability to be productive, you must take FOCUSED time to PREPARE- daily, weekly and monthly to establish, measure and reassess your goals. By defining your goals with DEFINITIVE time tables (i.e. I WILL complete this task by July 21) you provide yourself with the ability to then quickly define the desired outcomes and the immediate tasks REQUIRED to accomplish them.

Your steps to success will include many SMALL TASKS that can be accomplished along the way with their own time tables. By establishing the next "small step" you will prevent yourself from being OVERWHELMED and become better ABLE to quickly achieve your tasked goals. Allow yourself to focus on small victories and you will find the biggest victory will be GUARANTEED!


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