Morning Motivator – Finding Your Leadership

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things."
-Peter F. Drucker

At our Nashville Junior Chamber meeting last night, we had a speaker named Jim Phillips of AT&T, speak to us regarding LEADERSHIP. Jim holds an MBA from UNC-Greensboro in Leadership and serves as a Regional VP in the AT&T system, overseeing large accounts. He also is a GREAT speaker that provided us with insight as to "why leadership is dangerous."

Interesting concept – DANGER – in leadership. What could be so DANGEROUS? The fact that as a LEADER you are often tasked with the critical decision making that may affect – RELATIONSHIPS, CAREERS, INCOMES, and COMPANY FUTURES. Why else? Maybe, it's derived from the fact that you CANNOT know all the RIGHT answers to the challenges you have to face. You have to LEARN through experience and by stumbling along the way.

Jim asked a question – "How many of you are leaders?" Very few raised their hands. I asked a question back – "Are you not a leader of yourself first?" He agreed. It is our DUTY as individuals to serve as the CEO of ourselves first. Set goals, manage resources, celebrate success and learn from failures. There WILL be a day that you are cast into a LEADERSHIP ROLE – Church, Work, Family, Rec Sports, etc. How better to prepare than to have EFFECTIVELY lead yourself for many years already…


Mr. Phillips posed the idea that leaders are NOT born, rather bred into the roles. You don't have to be over organized or eccentrically charismatic – you just need to get RESULTS!

The best way to LEARN how to get results as a leader is by taking ACTION and PARTICIPATING in a Leadership role. Seek it out. Here are some simple ways you can take a Leadership role in your life:
- Captain a sports team
- Sit on your child's PTO board at school
- Organize a volunteer team on a weekend project
- Ask your boss for more responsibility (don't forget money too)
- Take a day for yourself to set goals and action plans to YOUR dreams

By taking an active Leadership role – you WILL gain the EXPERIENCE you need to SUCCEED when the time for you to PROVE your Leadership is placed upon you. Personally, if you read the Morning Motivator, I KNOW you are a leader. It's the individuals that take time to GROW, LEARN and LEAD that define the LEADERSHIP of our communities… enjoy your role – you are one of your communities ELITE!


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