Morning Motivator – A Moment of Weakness in the Airport

"Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity."
- Anonymous

Have you ever overheard a discussion not meaning to get involved and then find yourself nearly obligated to interject? I had a moment of weakness yesterday in the Nashville Airport after arriving home from an overnight trip. For those of us that are OUTSPOKEN… you may appreciate this more.

Upon arrival from Chicago yesterday, I was standing near an older gentleman, his wife and another young lady. The gentleman, obviously a successful man by his dress and demeanor, was expressing his CONCERNS about a recent land acquisition some lake front. He began to share the story of how we ENTICED by a reduced pricing offer on the land and how EXCITED he was to purchase this at such a BARGAIN in times like these. He went onto share the next part…

He was so UPSET with the "sales person" because he didn't tell him the land wasn't level and would required grading to build on. Hmmm… here's where I JUMP in. I asked him about the discussion they had and if he had ever ASKED about building on the land or if the lot was level. He said NO. I asked if the property is sold EXCLUSIVELY for property development. He said NO. I posed a THIRD question… Why are you UPSET with the rep if it is YOU that failed to ask the right questions and do your homework properly?

You might assume this is when I got punched in the nose. I didn't. He was quiet for a moment… then said, "you know, I have been so upset about the situation, I never looked to see where the problem started." Hmmm… I guess even SUCCESSFUL people sometimes make poor decisions by not planning and thinking things through. Are you thinking all of your OPPORTUNITIES through?


By defining goals with specific end results, you are more capable of making effective decisions and measuring success results. By knowing your outcome expectations, you will be better able to determine the value of investment (time and money), the value of outcome (salary, property, time saved) and define the best partnerships to achieve those goals.

To get where you are going, you must know where that is… if you are not yet setting goals, today is the BEST day to start!


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