Morning Motivator - How Hard is Impossible?

"Every great achievement was once considered impossible."
- Anonymous

I love when I hear people tell me they CANNOT do something. I always say the same thing... BULL! What you CANNOT do is "NATURALLY"... FLY like a bird, SWIM UNDERWATER like a fish or TELEPORT through time. However, you CAN find ways around those impossibilities (teleporting being my secret one).

Interestingly enough, there was a time when people said FLYING is IMPOSSIBLE. "Hey Wright brothers... you guys are CRAZY! That will never work!" Little did those doubters know, many years later we can book $59 flights to New Orleans online to ride their IMPOSSIBLE invention. Also doubted was the ability to swim underwater for extended periods of time like a fish. "Hey Jacques (Cousteau), you KOOK! You can't swim underwater with fish!" Now, we have scuba classes you can take in college so you are able to dive on VACATION and have that cool flag on the front license plate of your vehicle.

So what is IMPOSSIBLE? Is it impossible for you to fulfill your DREAMS of being HAPPY and well RESPECTED by your peers? Is it impossible to work only 10 hours a week and be SUCCESSFUL financially? Is it impossible to find the purest, truest LOVE in the world? I believe all this is POSSIBLE and more... You have to start by BELIEVING it is, then take ASSUMPTIVE ACTION (an action made with an expectation of results).

The power of SELF BELIEF is amazing in its ability to overcome "IMPOSSIBILITY." When your PASSION and DETERMINATION outweigh the NEGATIVITY and SELF DOUBT that is inherent (and subjected) on you - you are ABLE to accomplish tasks that seem IMPOSSIBLE.

Your mind controls your body, your spirit controls your mind and your passions control your spirit. Chase you PASSIONS and the physical manifestation of your DREAMS will become your reality. Be CLEAR in what you want, PRECISE in what you ask for and DECISIVE in how you approach it. Most importantly... TAKE ACTION!


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