Morning Motivator - Having the Courage to Listen

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."
- Sir Winston Churchill

In the past few weeks, I have really enjoyed some AMAZING discussions (thanks Nancy!) and have found a growing inner peace I never had before. I expect that you (like myself) can occasionally become FRUSTRATED with your inability to "breakthrough" your POTENTIAL and make actionable SUCCESS. If you don't - you aren't trying hard enough.

Here is what I have come to realize from my chats: Commonly, leaders are much HARDER on themselves than others would ever be (this is your quality control). Most leaders expect much MORE of themselves than others would ever of themselves (this is your drive for growth). Lastly, most leaders are much more INSIGHTFUL than others would ever allow themselves to become (this is your creative genius). The results of these "traits" is an individual that is overwhelmed with GREAT ideas, limited time for ACTION and an expectation of PERFECTION...every time! Wow - sounds frustrating already.

The most EXCITING portion of this realization is how I came to discover it. In opposition of my natural personality, I shut my mouth and LISTENED to what someone else had to say. I asked a question and QUIETLY allowed for the response to be made, absorbed and processed. AMAZING! I have found that it takes great COURAGE to ask questions of yourself and more to ask others to critique.

The ones you care for and trust around you are TREMENDOUS resources for your development. If you are facing a challenge - ask a loved one or close friend their thoughts. If you are close with them, they likely know you BEST. If you will LISTEN to what they have to say - you will find great WISDOM in that advice.

Don't be afraid to hold yourself to higher standards, don't be afraid to ask questions of yourself and don't be afraid to LISTEN to those around you. Sometimes the GREATEST show of COURAGE is knowing when to ask others for help.


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