Morning Motivator - Accepting and Rising Above

"To succeed, it is necessary to accept the world as it is and rise above it."
- Michael Korda

This past weekend, at our Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce retreat, I shared my INSECURITIES about personal progress and acceptance of my limitations in growth with a trusted associate. After sharing, I wondered how many other people are prone to having challenges ACCEPTING their situations and surroundings.

Being a CONTROL FREAK, I am often FRUSTRATED with my ability to move something forward or get beyond the past. I seek for everything to be PERFECT - business offerings, personal relationships and organizational planning. I am often GUILTY of punishing groups, people or opportunities for past actions or activities.

Why do some people have CHALLENGES accepting their place in the world, ADAPTING and RISING ABOVE?


As a LEADER, it is our DUTY to separate our concerns, paranoias, and prejudices emotionally from what is IMPORTANT and VALUABLE. We must be able to ACCEPT past actions and decisions, IDENTIFY best steps moving forward and RISE ABOVE any challenges to take ACTION!

By OWNING your situation, UNDERSTANDING your feelings and PLANNING a path to overcome - your SUCCESS will be both mental and physical.


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