Morning Motivator – Help Me, Help You

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed."
-- Napoleon Hill

I love the movie Jerry Maguire. I think it's a great representation of the QUALITY people have when they begin to FOCUS on quality life experience and not just SUPERFICIAL success.

I especially enjoy the part in the film where Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) says to Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.), "Help Me, Help You." This scene is very PROFOUND when you consider what the underlying theme is. It is here that we see the INTERACTION of HELP and SUCCESS. We often OVERLOOK the fact that SUCCESS is a MEASUREMENT of action and fulfillment. SUCCESS is not an end goal, much like HAPPINESS, rather it is a momentary STATE of accomplishment that lasts on BRIEFLY prior to the next task needing attention.

You may say, "Someone like Tiger Woods is SUCCESSFUL and he doesn't have to do another thing in his life." True, however consider that for Tiger to be "SUCCESSFUL" in his definition, he must continually accomplish, achieve and dominate his craft. He is not someone that makes money from playing golf – he is someone that plays golf so PASSIONATELY and with such FOCUS that people pay him!

In order to best find the EFFICIENT path to SUCCESS (as you define it), I suggest working around these principles:
- Share with others what success means to YOU
- Ask others what success means to THEM
- Help them fill the needs they have to FOCUS on success
- Confidently ask for their help in return

There are only a limited number of NEGATIVE people in this world that do not want to HELP you SUCCEED… all the rest of us are INSPIRED, MOTIVATED and JOYFUL when we are able to help someone else find their SUCCESS DREAM. Help others find theirs, then ask someone to help you find yours!


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