Morning Motivator - A Goal Worth Setting

"You want to set a goal that is big enough that in the process of achieving it you become someone worth becoming."
- Jim Rohn

How do you determine what YOU want? Are you ACCEPTING a vision your parents had for you (ie get a "normal" job, get married, buy insurance)? If you don't know what you REALLY Want - how do you KNOW you will be happy when you get there?

Goal setting is really about providing you STRUCTURE to achieve what YOU want in the most efficient manner. If you want to generate personal income of $100,000 this year - what are the ACTIONS needed to do so? There is your goal. If you are seeking a REWARDING and LOVING relationship - what needs to happen to find that? Again, YOUR goal.

Often, we establish our goals without much consideration for what we REALLY want. In reality, we often set our goals low (or not at all) so we don't have to feel FAILURE, REJECTION or EMBARRASMENT. But if we do that... How are we really ACHIEVING anything worthwhile?

In the book I am currently reading, the author set a targeted income goal of $100,000 in annual income (from the $30,000 he was making at the time).

He mentions that he "FAILED" to meet his goal of $100,000 by only making $92,000. Wow! He "failed" and more than TRIPLED his income... What a way to fail!

Set your goals such that they STRETCH your abilities. The LEARNING that is derived will ensure your SUCCESS long term, even if you have to "fail" to get there.


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