Morning Motivator - The Greatest Danger

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."
- Michelangelo

How are GOALS set? Who determines WHAT the goals for your company should be and where did those ideas come from? How do you set your PERSONAL goals?

Goal setting, to me, seems very arbitrary, albeit necessary. Why? Simply put, a goal provides you with INTENT and PURPOSE in your daily actions. A goal is what provides you with DIRECTION for your passions and skills so as to focus them into productivity.

Often I wonder - "are my goals too high? Or worse, are they too low?" The real TRAGEDY would be in ACHIEVING your goals and only pushing yourself to 60% of your potential. Commonly, I see the person that wins at EVERYTHING, really has never tried ANYTHING.

Goal setting can be DAUNTING. Its hard to know where to start and no one wants to FAIL...

Here's the skinny though - if you shoot for high (yet reasonably achievable) goals, if you happen to fall short, you are still quite SUCCESSFUL! If you don't feel successful in falling short of a high goal - read the Morning Motivator on "When is Good Enough..?"

Aim high, work hard and remember that "FAILURE" is only negative if you fail to learn from it.


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