Morning Motivator - Aim Higher

"Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
- Les Brown

The beauty of life is that yesterday does NOT dictate what will happen today. If you had a rough day yesterday... it is over. TODAY, has all the potential to be the BEST day of your life. What keeps us from MAXIMIZING everyday to make it the "best"?

Most people set GOALS for themselves. The common FAILURE point in goal setting (after the most critical step - writing them down) is that the goal is not AIMED high enough. How many people do you know that have stated the following goal? "I just want to work somewhere fun." Hmmm, what is "fun"? Why not shoot a little higher? I want to work somewhere that allows me to take off every Friday, make a salary of $75,000 per year and wear jeans to work every day. Now, which one sounds more achievable? If you answered the SECOND one - you are right. But why?

What makes GOALS achievable is SPECIFICITY in its creation. When you are able to CLEARLY define the goal you are seeking to achieve, you become EMPOWERED with the ability to say NO to people, projects and ideas. Once you have the ability to CONFIDENTLY say NO - you then have the ability to set your GOALS high and reach them! If your goal is to start a business that makes $500,000 in revenue this year and falls short to $456,789... well, I would say that is still pretty damn strong! Falling short STILL meant success...

Amazingly, most goals people ESTABLISH are set on results they already KNOW they can achieve. They are goals set for yourself because you know you can do them within the time frame allowed without causing yourself any great STRESS. Sounds like a great growth opportunity huh? Don't sell yourself short!

When you set goals that are a STRETCH for you, the real VICTORY comes in the learning experience of executing. So what if you don't reach your goal! If your boss is setting your goals such that the ONLY acceptable result is hitting the goal, then SHAME on them for not understanding the value of growth. As a manager, goals should be set so that they PUSH the individual to grow and learn, while making success reasonable and a shortcoming acceptable in the business model.

Remember the quote... "Shoot for the moon because even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."


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