Morning Motivator – Control What You Can Control

"A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them."
- Oscar Wilde

Today is a personal SHARING moment for me with you. I want to chat about CONTROL in your life and making the most of what you are capable of doing. I am LEARNING that you control the most IMPORTANT things in your life – it is just that you are typically FOCUSED on the wrong things (i.e. The ones with the most emotion and least logic).

Last night, the Junior Chamber had its monthly meeting and Mr. Jim Schmitz of Regions Bank was our guest speaker. Beyond being a phenomenal guy, he provided us with an excellent discussion about PATIENCE and CONTROL with respect to your success and leadership. The discussion placed me in a state of CONSIDERATION about my own success path and expectations.

Those that know me INTIMATELY are aware that I am someone that is challenged with very high ANXIETY. This stress is such that I have sought out assistance from people who have professional experience in managing these high levels. Albeit very personal, I share this with you to give you INSIGHT into what I am and have been discovering… Setting "bars for success" can be a HEALTHY exercise when used as a GUIDE, not as an absolute measurement of your success. Additionally, the constant PURSUIT of control over every element of your life is INSANITY. You can control very FEW things – your emotions (to a degree), your actions and your reactions to others. Outside of those things… NOTHING. You CANNOT change someone's past (nor your own). You cannot FORCE a client to purchase your product. You have control over YOU and the rest will work itself out.

My belief is that CONTROL issues typically stem from TRUST issues. When you have CONFIDENCE in someone or something – you find that you are able to release the need for total control. When you have the REASSURANCES that your stability, reputation, personal security, or tasks will be RESPECTED and MAINTAINED – you learn to let go.

In order to CREATE those confidence levels in others, you must openly COMMUNICATE your needs, expectations and desires. When you provide someone else with the recipe for SUCCESS in managing your expectations and emotions, you EMPOWER them to take control of the elements you seek to let go.

Once you have created that trusted BOND, you will find RAPID improvements in your career, love life and personal emotions. Understanding you cannot CONTROL others or their actions is tough to learn, but a lesson worth EXPLORING.


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