Morning Motivator - Is That Grass Really Greener?

Special thanks to today's guest contributer - Andréa McCarther of VHA, Inc in Texas. I appreciate all your support!

"If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too."

Someone sent me a forward about "Haters" and not allowing them to steal your glory. The above quote was mentioned and I just love it because it speaks to something a lot of people do: judge their happiness, success, and blessings by comparing themselves to what others have. That is a sure fire way to be disappointed and constantly dwell on the negative in your own life. You should judge yourself only by the measures you make for yourself. Also people typically only show you what you want to see. There was another quote in that forward:

"The problem with haters is that they see my glory, but they don't know my story..."

You never know what's really going on with someone. The scene you see is through the lens of a voyeur peering through their living room window from the outside. You never know what happens when the lights go off and they move to a different room. You never know what a person went through, what they're still paying, or what they had to overcome to get to where they are today. Sometimes what you see is false or sometimes it's what you don't see that if you did, would cause you to give them tons more respect for their achievements.

If I'm bring honest with myself, I will admit I am guilty of "hating", of being jealous, of wondering why so many wonderful things happen to "other people" but not to me. But these two quotes spoke to me and I need to keep them in the forefront of my mind. I should be happy for those that have found happiness for themselves, be it temporary or permanent. I think it's okay to see something and want it or more for yourself, but I think we need to be realistic about our achievements and our momentary limitations (and I say "momentary" because hopefully we are always striving to overcome the hurdles in our path) and set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Simple, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) for ourselves. There is nothing wrong with having a comparison stick or even a competitive one, we just need to be sure we are playing in our own fields and are equipped with the appropriate tools.


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