Morning Motivator - Enjoy the Grind...

"I've never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline."
- Vince Lombardi

What do you say when you wake up to go to work? What do you FEEL? Are you EXCITED about the days new opportunities or do you DREAD what is yet to come?

One thing many top ACHIEVERS have in common is their PASSION for what they do. They often perceive the career as a GAME in which they enjoy playing. It is the grind of the day and the CHALLENGE to excel that DRIVES them to be successful. Is the GAME fun for you?

What ACTIONS can you take to make your days enjoyable? Are you in the RIGHT career or are you pursuing money over knowledge? Have you discovered your PASSIONS professionally or even stopped to think about them?

A key to "ENJOYING the grind" is finding your passion and purpose. You don't have to LOVE your work (commonly, most people don't). Rather, you DO have to love an aspect of it in which you can achieve.

Define what you ENJOY and fins a way to MAXIMIZE that in your job function. Additionally, CLARIFY your purpose. Maybe your job is a means to an end (which is fine) and by CLARIFYING what you must do to achieve your end results - you WILL find an increased appreciation for your actions and thus, better RESULTS.

Find a way to enjoy it all more and you will find that everything becomes much EASIER.


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