Morning Motivator - Free Your Mind

"Emanicipate yourself from mental slavery, no one but ourselves can free our minds."
- Bob Marley

As you may have realized, I have a personal PASSION for psychology and how one's thought processes affect their SUCCESS potentials. The more I research, the more I BELIEVE that the attitudes carried in the mind are the DIFFERENCE between achievement and limited success.

I am continually AMAZED at the very slight differences between the person that achieves at a very high level and the one that does well, yet never breaks through. Rarely are the differences - INTELLIGENCE, PRIVLEDGE, POLITICAL CONNECTIONS, or UNIQUE ABILITY. Most commonly, the variations are - CONFIDENCE, FOCUS, RESILIANCE and LEADERSHIP.

Interestingly, it seems to be ones ability to CHOOSE, FOCUS and EXECUTE success patterns that makes them achieve. It is their FOCUS that allows them to break the mental barriers of self limiting thoughts and allow for their dreams to have substance that they act upon. Are you FREEING YOUR MIND to accept your desired success?

If you agree that its a MENTAL ADVANTAGE that most high achievers have, the you must answer the following question:

What are the BEST ways to create an positive, productive, success-oriented mind set?

Things to consider are, what actions can I take to:
- Improve my confidence (body, intellect, reputation)
- Enhance my connectivity (leadership, networking)
- Create clarity in my goals (define purpose, passions and vision)
- Empower those around me (delegation, support, coaching)

Seek opportunities to ENHANCE your "self" and create a FREE MIND - by letting go of what you "believe" you CANNOT do... You will see that you CAN do ANYTHING!


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