Morning Motivator - Focusing On What is Critical...

"My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things."
- Bill Gates

In the past 24 hours I have had an INTERESTING opportunity presented to me. Effective November 1st, my company is downsizing our staff and I, as the most recent hire, am part of the DECISION.

Now, many people may FrEaK OuT, yet I will not. I know that by FOCUSING on what is most important, this time will pass and I will GROW stronger as a person, as well as a professional. (Don't get me wrong, I will still take your help if so inclined to make quality introductions).

I do think this brings up a great OPPORTUNITY to chat about FOCUS and the IMPORTANCE of knowing what is CRITICAL to you. Money will come and go. SUCCESS is a matter of interpretation. CHARACTER is what counts and HONESTY with yourself is what will lead you in the right direction.

So what is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT to you for life, love and happiness?

Learning to FOCUS on what makes you GREAT at what you are great at is THE defining element of top achievers vs average success.

People that have HIGH levels of success know what makes them HAPPY and do it. Know what ATTRACTS others to them and execute accordingly. They know what GROWTH is important to their development and take the time to educate.

FOCUS today on 3 elements of your life: personal, professional and relationship. Identify ONE action you can take to FOCUS on what is most CRITICAL to success and put that step in your calendar to do. You will appreciate yourself for making the effort later!!


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