Morning Motivator – Go Get What You Want!

"A little initiative will improve your luck nine days out of ten."
- Dave Thomas, Founder of Wendy's

I want to BRAG this morning on a friend of mine, Matt Manning. Matt and I have only known each other a short while, as he plays on my soccer club in Nashville. About a week ago, he approached me to ASK for help. I wondered what he could possibly need from me. He said he knew I was an owner in BarkLoud Marketing (google it!) and that he was SEEKING an opportunity to GROW professionally. Very astute!

I never told him about BarkLoud, nor did I ever mention anything about my willingness to HELP. He took his own INITIATIVE and put himself on the line to seek an opportunity. How often do you just STEP UP and try to get what you want? Are you willing to risk EMBARRASSMENT or REJECTION to get a chance at what you are seeking in your life?

Needless to say, I was so IMPRESSED by his drive to seek assistance that I met with him this morning. He was EARLY and well dressed. He had a PLAN of what he wanted to do and how he wanted to get there – SEEKING the correct pieces of the puzzle to make the bigger picture come to reality. How COOL is that?!? Needless to say, I am now spending part of my morning, emailing, calling and smoke signaling (just kidding) all the people I know that are looking for a SHARP young talent for sales and marketing. (If you are looking, let me know). Today, Matt took the INITIATIVE to CREATE his FUTURE!


A mentor once told me that you will win 80% of the time if you just SHOW UP, 90% of the time if you are PREPARED and 100% if you are EARLY. Interesting… I wonder how many people are taking the INITIATIVE to ask for the opportunity to even show up?

To CREATE your own success patterns, you must be willing to ask for help and have a PLAN of what you want help with. When you have CLARITY in your "ask," you provide the person helping you with distinct ACTION steps that they are able to follow. By asking for SPECIFIC items in a MEASURED time frame, you STRUCTURE the request in a way that it makes it easy for the other person to KNOW if they can assist or not…

Don't be AFRAID to ask… as my good friend Jason Denenberg says, "If you ask and they say no, all you did was BREAK EVEN. At least you gave yourself the benefit of the doubt to start."

Have a great WEEKEND… next week's Morning Motivators will be sent to you from Sunny San Diego as I will be back "home" on vacation!


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