Morning Motivator - A Lesson in Kindness

"You can tell the value of a man by the way he treats his wife, by the way he treats a subordinate, and by the way he treats someone who can do nothing for him."
- Ken Babcock

Think of the one person that you RESPECT most. WHY do you respect them so much? What CHARACTERISTICS about that person do you enjoy most?

Recently, my girlfriend Nancy, told a story about a chat she SHARED with a colleague. The gentleman discussed the BEST traits for a quality spouse and mentioned "KINDNESS" as the most IMPORTANT quality. Think about that... KINDNESS.

Why would he say kindness ABOVE personality, attractive looks, or even success? What makes kindness the most ADMIRABLE trait? Commonly, if you know someone who is KIND, it is LIKELY they have a great personality and will ACHIEVE by helping others, which in turn ACCOMPLISHES great success.

An EASY way to drive towards becoming a better person and professional is to HEIGHTEN your awareness surrounding your KINDNESS.

Make a concerted EFFORT to be more kind (speaking, acting and thinking) towards INTERNAL colleagues, suppliers, random sales people and most IMPORTANTLY your LOVED ones.

Once you begin to FOCUS on your kindness, you will also see a RETURN of kindness from direct and indirect connections.

BUILD your REPUTATION on kindness... And enjoy the KIND REWARDS of your efforts!


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Executive Team:
Zachary Barker, Publisher
Nancy Dubuisson, Editor

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