Morning Motivator - How's Your Team Morale?

"The beatings will continue until morale improves."
- Unknown

I must say this was one of the FUNNIEST quotes I have seen in quite some time... And I found it on a PIRATE flag.

It FORCED me to consider the way we manage people and relationships. It really defines a DICTATOR mentality...

When you speak to your internal TEAM or external CLIENTS, how do you approach them? Do you put on your "game face" for the client and the ream your internal staff? Have you ever noticed what happens when you take the side of your BANK ACCOUNT (ie your client) over the side of your team (ie your retirement fund)?

Commonly, we subject our people to the worst of us by speaking HARSHLY in frustration, passing ACCOUNTABILITY when it is our RESPONSIBILITY, and DWELLING on mistakes rather than BUILDING a better process. The MORALE of your internal staff is the SINGLE, MOST IMPORTANT factor in the success and efficiency of your business. When they are CONFIDENT, EXCITED and COLLABORATIVE - client LOYALTY increases, along with revenues.

Understanding what DRIVES a teams MORALE is a key to success as a LEADER. Being able to TEAR DOWN barriers to productivity, confusion and frustration are the critical actions of a good leader.

Once you are able to CREATE an environment of TRUST and COLLABORATION - you are then able to request increased input from your team on best ways to create improvement in process and product.

Want to build great MORALE? Trying giving more trust in your talent. They are dedicated, smarter, and more disciplined than you THINK!


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