Morning Motivator - A Personal Revolution

"Revolution means turning the wheel."
- Igor Stravinsky

In the past months we have heard a great bit about HOPE and CHANGE. What we have yet to hear much of is REVOLUTION.
Don't FREAK OUT... I'm not starting an anti-establishment movement here. What I'm saying is that a REVOLUTION is in order. The type of "CHANGE" that is a shift in behavior. A change in ACTIONS and thus a change in RESULTS.

We have all heard the definition of INSANITY: "Continuing the same actions and expecting different results." So when you look at your government, your business and yourself - what REVOLUTION are you making? And is it a POSITIVE change?

As you seek to get to the next level - what TURNING of the wheel are you making? We are best able to make GAINS through self assessment...

Are you working LONGER hours? Working with BETTER clients? Seeking IMPROVED opportunities to present to prospects?

Or are you still waiting for CHANGE from the same old actions?


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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