Morning Motivator - Your ONE Goal

"If you could achieve any one goal in your life within twenty-four hours, which goal would have the greatest impact on your life?"
- Brian Tracy

If you had 24 hours to live and make your FINAL mark on this world - what would you do? Have you ever CONSIDERED what your ONE greatest impact COULD be? What grounds do you seek for your LEGACY to be built upon?

This is one of those scary "PURPOSE" Morning Motivators - the kind that forces you to consider that you DO have finite time and MUST have purpose in your daily actions. I have become ENLIGHTENED in the past years as to my PURPOSE - EDUCATION.

For me, I would like to spend my last hours ENSURING that those remaining after me have the greatest amount of INSIGHT, KNOWLEDGE and ACTIONABLE TASKS to be able to effectively execute the items necessary to accomplish a given goal. My FOCUS does need additional consideration, as it must be pinpointed to "WHAT TYPE" of educational message?? Politics (always a passion for me)? Business and Succession planning? Process Management and Task Execution? THIS is my challenge...

Whatever your FOCUS, you must ask the question... am I doing this TODAY? If so, how can I do it BETTER? If not, why NOT?

You must accept that your time IS limited and your IMPACT could be LIMITLESS. You have the ABILITY and OPPORTUNITY to create a better world for those after you and for many generations to come. Do you have the internal LEADERSHIP drive and INSIGHT to make that effort and/or sacrifice?

When you WONDER what makes people great... it is their ability to make a LASTING IMPACT! Get to it!!


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