Morning Motivator - Are You Over Prepared?

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."
- Seneca

In a MEETING yesterday (and today), I was thinking about how PREPARED people are for the "right moment." I'm not talking about having your papers in order or being ON TIME. I'm speaking about being OVER PREPARED.

OVER PREPARED means having the documents to CLOSE the deal... Yes, the deal you HOPE to close. How about having your DEMO KIT in the car... Just in case the CEO is in and willing to chat! You never know when OPPORTUNITY will arise!

Quick example, this morning, I met with a long time friend and future client. She had asked me to pop by for a CASUAL discussion about what we do and how we might help her team. I arrive, sit down and am "prepared" to discuss our business, then... BOOM!!! In walks the CEO to interview me and my partner on what we CAN do to help their business... SPECIFICALLY!

Good news is I was ALMOST over prepared! I had brought my TECH EXPERT to tackle the specific tech questions I thought MIGHT arise. However, they asked about rates, bulk purchasing and contracts...

DAMN IT! I didn't bring them. SHAME ON ME! Had I been OVER PREPARED, they would have the information they need today and possibly be able to EXPEDITE their decision process. LESSON LEARNED!

To be SUCCESSFUL, you must be prepared. To DEFINE success, you must be OVER PREPARED!


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