Morning Motivator – Get PAID!

"If you are good at something, never do it for free."
- Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight

In the book "What got you're here,wont get you there" by Marshall Goldsmith, the author discusses PROVIDING TOO MUCH VALUE. This is the idea of giving too much to a situation.

From a MANAGEMENT standpoint, this can mean that you "chime in" too often and never give your people a chance to really speak their mind. From a BUSINESS standpoint, this often means that you are GIVING AWAY your value for free! Think about this… how many times have you seen a sales person GIVE AWAY the strategy or secrets to getting something done? Why would they offer that information WITHOUT getting paid?

Commonly, people GIVE too much when they don't PERCIEVE their own value to be high. REPEAT – they do not BELIEVE what they do offers enough VALUE to charge for it. So… the GIVE it away – FOR FREE!

Remember that your KNOWLEDGE and EXPERTISE is INVALUABLE. If it was "common" then people wouldn't ask for your help. As nice as you are, they WOULDN'T call you.


Don't be afraid to tell a client, "Id love to help you… our rate is (insert fee)." Good business people will RESPECT your position and UNDERSTAND that your are offering tremendous value. Additionally, remember that the ALLURE of what you can deliver creates an EMOTIONAL bond with the client when you DO deliver… and it is EXCELLENT!!

Bottom line: Don't give it away… GET PAID!!


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