Morning Motivator - It's Not What You Know...

"It's not WHO you know... It's HOW you know them."
- Bill Armistead

This morning, I enjoyed a breakfast filled with DICUSSION and EDUCATION. Mr. Bill Armistead, retired attorney, CEO and community volunteer, SHARED his morning with me chatting about business, personal goals and success lessons. INVALUABLE!!

The quote above JUMPED out at me...

Many professional HUSTLE to "know as many people" as they can. Why? Does VOLUME equate to QUALITY? Does having a more ROBUST "rolodex" (for those who remember those) mean you are ASSURED success?

Many of us have MANY acquaintances... Yet how many of those people UNDERSTAND and APPRECIATE the quality of your character?

Do they know your VISION, GOALS and PASSIONS? Are they INVESTED in your SUCCESS PLANNING?

Might I SUGGEST knowing fewer people BETTER and truly being a KEY to their successes.

I'd PREFER you KNOW my goals and aspirations (as you get through the Morning Motivator), than just be someone that knows my name. Wouldn't you like the SAME??


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