Morning Motivator – Define It or Ditch It

"Unless something is well-defined and important, no one should do it."
- Timothy Ferriss, author of "The Four-Hour Work Week"

What makes for a SUCCESSFUL project, action or task?

Well, having the right RESOURCES is necessary. The right PEOPLE are a key. Having enough TIME is a nicety as well. Proper FUNDING and an understanding of DECISION MAKING rights will help.

So, how do you KNOW if you have ENOUGH… or TOO MUCH?

The ONLY way to know IF you have the right RESOURCES available… is by having a well-defined, clear cut PLAN for execution.

Work projects are very EASY to complicate. Many of us have EXPERIENCED a project that takes on a mind of its own, with very little HOPE for any salvaging…

What happened in that project? Multiple small changes? No real "end goal" in mind? A lack of internal support or maybe, limited finances?

When you take the time to DEFINE clear and focused goals, action items and responsibilities with time frames included, the "MANAGEMENT" becomes very easy. Any DERIVATION from the defined goals and/or responsibilities is clearly recognized and quick to REMEDY.

DEFINE your goals, projects and/or tasks very CLEARLY up front. If you will take the time to "pre-manage," you will ENSURE that you are SUCCESSFUL in your overall management.

Ultimately… if it is not well-defined, just DITCH it. You can't WIN a game where the rules are not clearly defined.


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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