Morning Motivator – Eliminate Selective Ignorance

"Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you have no limits."
- Brian Tracy

Politics can TEACH us all a lot about our culture and value systems. As we have watched the PASSIONATE debate over the "broken health care system," I have learned a lot about how people LEARN and NEGOTIATE. I have also learned that a vast majority of people are SELECTIVELY IGNORANT.

Watch MSNBC and/or FOX News if you WANT to learn more about this concept. You will see two sides of an issue, TOTALLY focused on all the wrong issues, never EFFECTIVELY discussing solutions, rather placing blame on one another. We see each side CHOOSING to overlook any real discussion likely a RESULT of the realization that both sides may not be correct. Additional discussion would REQUIRE elimination of emotional hot buttons, meaningless rhetoric and FORCE education from each side.

Why not engage in that MEANINGFUL discussion??

Just as we find in businesses, leaders find it much EASIER to take a "strong position" when you have LIMITED information that supports your self-interests. Of course you are RIGHT when all the people around are telling you that you ARE… of course, your IDEAS are the best when all the information you read and document SUPPORTS the positions you are seeking to take.

What if you were to RESEARCH the "other side" of the issue or opportunity? What VALUE could someone offer if they were always CHALLENGING you… even when it becomes annoying?

SELECTIVE IGNORANCE is the acceptance of limited information in order to support your self-interests and or initiatives. While ELIMINATING unnecessary information is vital. ENSURING you have the PROPER amount of information is most CRITICAL in assuring your overall success.

Get into a heated discussion, watch the TV channel you disagree with, or even go as far as to develop an argument for the OPPOSING side. Ultimately, no matter how quick you move, how great your ideas may be… if you CHOOSE to be ignorant – it will catch up.



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