Morning Motivator - My Letter to 2009

"It ain't about how hard you hit. Its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."
- Sylvester Stallone from "Rocky Balboa"

Dear 2009,

I want to send you this letter and tell you a little about how I feel.

First, I want to THANK YOU for creating one of the most reflective times for the vast majority of people.

We have all been AFFECTED by your stingy economy. From job losses to financial losses, you have taken your BEST shot at a lot of us.

Too bad for you, we are more RESILIANT than you thought. We will OUTLAST you.

On a personal note, I want to say that in SPITE of your efforts, I have had my best year yet.

Nancy and I are to be married NEXT YEAR (take that!), I have taken a new LEADERSHIP role in my community and I am working with an EXCELLENT group of people (although you did get a last jab in - touché).

All in all, I BEAT you. You gave your ALL to crush me, my people and my community... And yet, I beat you... WE beat you.

I will always REMEMBER you 2009 and, again, THANK YOU for what you did. I UNDERSTAND that I am ready for 2010 because of you...

As a last note, don't worry... I plan on kicking 2010's ass even MORE than yours!


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