Morning Motivator - Breaking the Old School Measures

"Be motivated by a pleasing result, not a pleasing action."
- Tim Bewley of Avenue Bank

In business, there is often CONFUSION about what is most important - ACTION or RESULTS.

Often, as LEADERS, we measure our efforts, and that of those around us, based on the TIME and EFFORT we see. We overlook the results of the EFFORTS of our teams, in lieu of seeing them in their office, at their desk or in our meetings.

If we seek a program to be DEVELOPED, do we measure its ability to be used or the time spent creating it? If we desire GREATER revenue generation, do we concern ourselves with the "how" or just the "what"?

When MEASURING success and determining value - consider the end results and long term benefit.

By FOCUSING on the number of hours put into a project or the immediate, short-term gains, you may OVERLOOK the long-term benefit.

Besides, what do you WANT 5 years from now? More TASKS to perform or more RESULTS?


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