Morning Motivator - The Recipe for Mediocrity

"Don't limit yourself to what you already know how to do. That's a recipe for mediocrity."
- Source article here:

Special thanks to Rebecca Holley Ary. You prove to be one of my most dedicated supporters and believers. THANK YOU!

I am making a GLOBAL REQUEST.
I want to chat with a person that set the 2010 GOAL of being the most MEDIOCRE professional possible. Please have them email me...

Frankly, I find it DIFFICULT to believe that person is easy to find.

My thought is that the MOST MEDIOCRE professionals likely do NOT Set goals. I'd ASSUME they don't read too many books. Moreover, I'd IMAGINE they rarely spend much time FOCUSING on how to do anything BETTER.

MEDIOCRITY is a choice.

If you ever look at someone and say to yourself, "I hope I'm not 'there' in a few years," then you had better have some GOALS.

To become EXCEELENT, we must:
- Grow our MIND through reading (you do have a monthly reading goal don't you?)
- Grow our CONNECTIVITY through networking (remember those social/professional groups?)
- Grow your SKILLS through challenging professional tasks (have you asked for more responsibility yet?)
- Grow your COMMUNITY through investment (oh yeah... Planned giving of time and money)

Of course, if you GOAL is to be MEDIOCRE... Just delete this email and go back to watching YouTube.


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