Morning Motivator - A Lesson from Toothpaste

"Your mouth is a lot like toothpaste. If you push too much out, it is very difficult to put it back in without a mess."
- paraphrased from David Byrd of YMCA Middle Tennessee

First, I must thank my good friend, David Byrd for an EXCELLENT analogy, provided via his experiences with his granddaughter. Funny stuff!!

On occasion, the best QUOTES come from unrelated discussions. This morning, at breakfast, I was meeting with a friend and local community leader to chat about ways of doing more business. As with most discussions, we chatted a little about work, personal and faith. Then we talked POLITICS...

It is not hard to see where the above comment FITS into politics.

Leaders come in many different "packages." Some are the STRONG, SILENT type. Other can BOISTEROUS and PASSIONATE in their expressions. And yet others are just "DOER's," leading by example in action only. Rarely does someone possess EXCELLENCE in more than 1 trait.

As a leader, you are CONTINUALLY assessed and judged. Your actions are the real "GUTS" of your ability, and your words have the most POTENTIAL to sting.

As with the toothpaste tube, you must be CAUTIOUS about how much you spew out before you create a mess you cannot clean up.

I would ENCOURAGE all leaders to speak candidly and passionately regarding their positions and concerns. I also encourage that you consider what comments are EMOTIONAL vs. POSITIONAL. Ultimately, we must choose our words and actions that BEST help us meet our goals. If you point is REDUNDANT, INFLAMMATORY or UNNECESSARY, reserve yourself.

You may find that the next time you SPEAK... more people listen. (As for that toothpaste, put the cap back on for heaven's sake!)


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