Morning Motivator - Should We Be Like Brett?

"I guess it proves I was trying."
- Brett Favre, NFL Statistical Interception Leader

Last night, the Saints (WHO DAT!) and the Vikings played one of the most EXCITING playoff games I have ever witnessed.

Prior to the game, a sports caster interviewed Brett Favre, Vikings Quarterback and Future Hall of Fame Inductee. They chatted about his COUNTLESS records, from game starts to touchdowns, playoff wins to INTERCEPTIONS.

When asked about the interception record and his RECKLESSNESS with the ball, he replied, "I guess it proves I was trying." WOW!

While some may look at INTERCEPTIONS as a negative mark in Favre's career, he looks at it as a DEFINITION of his excellence.

We often hear FAILURE is what leads to success. Still, we act FEARFUL in the face of potential failure.

How EXCELLENT could you be if you were MENTALLY tough in a way that every failure was VIEWED as evidence of your GREATNESS??

Makes that RISK you are considering a little less risky, eh?

(Congratulations Saints! WHO DAT!!)


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