Morning Motivator - Rich or Wealthy?

"It takes as much time to close a big client, as it does a small one."
- Common sales phrase

If you can spend 20 hours to CREATE one opportunity which generates $10,000 or $1,000, which would you do? I suspect that you would take more (because I know I would).

Now, take a step FURTHER...

What if you could spend 20 hours CREATING a relationship that would yield 20 opportunities that you spend ZERO hours generating over the next year? Would you spend your time with the $10,000 deal or the RELATIONSHIP to yield 20 opportunities?

Building a business is just that... "BUILDING!"

By adopting a SHORT-TERM focus that is geared around FINANCES ONLY, will yield a positive cash flow.

By adopting a LONG-TERM focus geared around developing MORE, BETTER opportunities, a positive cash flow will yield, as well as LONG LASTING wealth generation.

So, Ask yourself the question - do you wish for your business to be RICH (short-term) or WEALTHY (long-term)?

Focus accordingly.


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