Morning Motivator – Ask to Get 

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."
- Matthew 7:7-8 

What is it about the human PRIDE that keeps us from seeking the wisdom of others?  We REJECT the aid of people that are able to assist in lieu of "saving face."  Yet, where does this EVENTUALLY find us?  In the same place we started, with much less time. 

In my short professional lifetime, I have found one truth to be CONSISTENT and EFFECTIVE.  When you ask for help – you always get it!  

Please note that "help," as defined above, does not always mean the person you are speaking with is HELPFUL, rather, they will help.  Confused yet? 

HELP comes in many forms – a lesson from a teacher, a memo from the boss, a YouTube video on "how to."  Help also comes in the forms of being IGNORED or even REJECTED.  Oh yes, that is STILL help… 

Some of the best lessons we learn are from being left to our OWN accord.  Forced to FIND our own way and create our own solutions.  And while a teacher is kind enough to show us the most SIMPLE path to learning, often, we choose the more DIFFICULT, with much greater impact to follow. 

The simple lesson of today's Morning Motivator is this:
If you need or want something, ASK FOR IT!  No fear – just ask!!  More often than not, you will find the answer you are seeking in the most efficient manner this way.  Should you not get what you "wanted," then maybe you didn't want it so bad after all…


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