Morning Motivator – Asking the Right Questions, Wrongly… 

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."
- Dr. Seuss 

I love this quote.  It EXEMPLIFIES the vast majority of us as we approach our professional and personal lives. 

Seemingly, we are all IMPATIENT, seeking the answers to ALL the questions, ALL the time.  Yet, we often CREATE more complication via our impatience than to just look for the most simple answer and ATTACK it with vigor. 

You should be aware, if not already, of 'Ochham's Razor', which states: "The simplest answer is most likely the right one."  This is IMPORTANT to remember as you create RATIONALIZATIONS for your continuance examination of the varying reasons things "just happen." 

People lose deals, break ups occur, natural disasters hit without notice and while you may ANALYZE and OVERANALYZE the reasons "WHY" until your death, it may be as simple as BAD TIMING, INCOMPATIBILITY or just good old "SH*T HAPPENS." 

Continual assessment and alteration of actions to change your CIRCUMSTANCES is critical to your success.  You must be AWARE of what you are doing, how you are doing it and the results of its effectiveness. 

BE WARY though my good friends.  Over-analysis will create PARALYSIS if not careful.  You can find yourself seeking the answers to questions YOU have made complicated.  Sales are down?  Either you don't have enough QUALIFIFED visits or you are pursuing the WRONG client.  Boyfriend BROKE UP with you?  It could be the INSECURITY created by maintaining a close relationship with a past flame. 

The answers are all too often SIMPLE.  As "rationalizing" creatures, we seek to DEFEND our misguided actions and allow ourselves mentally to get off the hook.  HOWEVER, if you really want to be successful…  just ask the question, look for the most simple answer, then move on! 

ACTION can correct any false analysis.  Trial and error is one hell of a teacher!! 


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