Morning Motivator – My Birthday Wish

"I have learned that no one expects me to be perfect, so it is about time to cut myself some slack."
- Zachary Barker 

Today is my birthday (32 for those of you wondering).  It is also Wednesday, which means we all have to work instead of partying all day long.  Sorry. 

On my birthday, I get a WISH.  Today, I am going to make a wish for all of the people that support me, BarkLoud and the Morning Motivator.  I wish for you to no longer be "BOGGED down by perfection." 

As top achievers and type A personalities, we are GIFTED with a competitive nature.  We often WIN.  We hate to LOSE.  Moreover, we all know that we can never turn "it" off.

As a result, we EXPECT perfection from ourselves all the time.  When we miss our goal, we take personal blame.  When we cannot CONTROL a situation, we accept the pressure of the outcome.  We NEVER have a day off.  We WANT to be perfect every single day… 

When was the last time you were PERFECT?  Who is the last person you PERSONALLY knew that was perfect?  Do you even know what PERFECT means??  (Just kidding) 

PERFECT is NEITHER a reasonable nor an attainable milestone in anyone's life.  This is partly from the fact it is a PERCEPTION of others.  Also, because you are HUMAN (which means you screw up daily).

Since we KNOW we cannot be PERFECT – why hold ourselves to that standard? 

Do you best to be PERFECT in loving your spouse, your kids and your friends.  And do your BEST (your very best) at work… that is as CLOSE to perfect as you can get.  And it is much more peaceful there too.  (Take it from me, I am apparently OLD, yet wise, according to my friends.)  

Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone.


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1 comment:

Jody said...

Happy B-day! Lighten up, Jesus was the only perfect man, dude. My dad once said about my B-day, "it's just another day." I don't buy that B. S. Is Christmas (Christ's b-day) just another day? Make it a special one, bro!

:: past morning motivators ::