Morning Motivator- I LOVE QUITTERS!

"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."
- Unknown

I must ADMIT that I secretly love quitters.  I REVEL in the joy of seeing someone finally give up after having tried achieving his or her goals.  My heart SINGS a little song each time I hear a story about WHY someone had to stop trying.

I think QUITTING is an art form.  It REQUIRES creativity and humility.  It calls upon DEPTH in critical thinking and analysis.  Quitting also has certain MAGNETISM about itself, often drawing people to the stories and rationalizations of "why."

Quitting is AWESOME!  I wish MORE people did it…

The BIGGEST reason I love quitters is that for every person that quits, there is one less person in MY way. 

For achievers, like you and I, we must CELEBRATE quitters.  We must ENCOURAGE their success at failure.  We should CATALOG their stories and excuses for attaining such a beautiful goal as QUITTING.

What I KNOW is that you and I WILL achieve our dreams.  As top achievers, we do NOT have "QUIT" in our vocabulary, and as a result will not cease our positive actions until we attain our goals.

So again, I LOVE quitters… mostly because I WILL NOT quit and the fewer people trying as hard as me (and you), the LESS time we have to spend to get to our end goal!



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