Morning Motivator – Did You Set a Reminder?

"If I put it in my phone, I do NOT forget to do it.  Otherwise, who knows!"
- Zachary Barker

There is a STRONG likelihood that I have made an error when the Morning Motivator quote is I.  Obviously, the Morning Motivator is a victim of becoming the "Afternoon Motivator" because the author failed to set a reminder on an atypical day.

Maintaining your RHYTHM and ROUTINE is simple on a day-to-day basis, while life is routine and consistent.  In the event that you DEVIATE from that routine, you must then create ACCOUNTABILITY measures for yourself to ENSURE you are executing the tasks you are still obligated to do.

Often, the most SIMPLE of tasks are the ones we overlook.  We tell ourselves that we do not need to WRITE IT DOWN, because we do it every single day.  Is it necessary to remind yourself to brush your teeth?  Not likely, however, OVERLOOKING sending a weekly report is easy if not scheduled with a soft reminder, such a within your PDA.

No one is perfect, however, there are SIMPLE executables we can implement to see that we LIMIT the failures we do have simple controls over.

FIRST:  Utilize your existing systems – Microsoft Outlook, BlackBerry calendar, email reminders from Google apps – as management is much EASIER when leveraged within a system you are already working within daily.

SECOND:  Relinquish the CONCEPTION that you are not SMART or MINDFUL if you need to always set and schedule reminders.  Your brain is going to use its RESOURCES for simple things like reminders or MAGNIFICENT things like creative conception.  Is it SMARTER to use your mind dynamically or as a Post-it note system?

Please accept my APOLOGIES for the delay, dear friends.  I have placed updates to my reminders within my new phone calendar.  I do not expect that this will happen again.



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