Morning Motivator – Extra, Extra… Read All About It!

"Sometimes it takes an expert to point out the obvious."
- Scott Allen

I have mentioned before the IMPORTANCE of public perception as an EXPERT.  When you are an "expert," you have an advantage over all other competitors within your marketplace.

QUESTION:  How do you BECOME the expert?  Hint:  You already are…

BETTER QUESTION:  How do you become VIEWED as the expert?   Hint: It is not that difficult…

Understand that an "expert" is someone that knows more about a subject that most others.  There can be MULTIPLE experts.  You can be the expert of a subject you know VERY LITTLE about if the people you are around know even less… Get it?!

To become the EXPERT, you must share "nuggets" of your knowledge with others.  There are multiple ways that you can do this – yet ONE is more powerful than others are.

WRITE AN ARTICLE about your service and submit it to your target audience.  This works best if published within an association newsletter or on a website.  This is because when you are 'PRESENTED" by an authority as an expert, your value increases exponentially!

If you TWEET, BLOG and force-feed EMAIL NEWSLETTERS to your target market, they may not respond as positively – mostly because the efforts are viewed as direct solicitation, rather than a value added mind share.

Simply write an article, then contact the DIRECTOR of communications with the associations you target and ask them IF they publish information to help their clients gain business knowledge.  If yes, then ask what the PROCESS is to submit.  Follow directions accordingly and bask in the success of being an EXPERT!



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The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication.  Use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.

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