Morning Motivator – You May Be In _____, But…

"You may be in marketing, but you are really in Sales."
- Larry Oliphant

First, I MUST wish a HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY to my lovely wife, Nancy!  I love you…

Every so often, we all need a REMINDER of what business we are really in.  My company, The BarkLoud Group, is in the business of marketing operational business services to privately held companies.  We are a MARKETING firm focused on teaching potential clients about services that may help them, then facilitating a relationship.

My sales mentor, Larry Oliphant, noted this morning, "You are really in sales!"  He is right… for ALL of us!

No matter what "business" you are in, you are always in SALES.  If you are a manager, you are SELLING your timelines to your team.  If you are in marketing, you are SELLING your clients on your message.  If you are in MEDICINE, you are selling your knowledge to the patients.

Every idea REQUIRES a champion:  Someone to SELL the idea, motivation, message… and confidence!

By IMPROVING your sales ability (the ability to motivate people to action and commitment), you will find that your "job" will also become much easier.  You will become a better COMMUNICATOR, MANAGER, GOAL SETTER and EXECUTIONER!

The PERSON that wins will always be the one that is BEST able to sell his/her idea.  How GOOD are you? 



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