Morning Motivator – If You Ask for One, You Won’t Get Two

"He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning."
- Danish Proverb

I love LEARNING.  Thus, to all the dorky kids in school that I made fun of for spending time become the master of a subject… I am SORRY (and you still were a dork!)

What I did NOT understand about those dorky kids is that they were ahead of the game.  They were asking QUESTIONS of people, ideas and "facts."  They were getting MORE from people, books, ideas and media than I ever was.  They were holding the world around them to a HIGHER standard.

Business is a "learning game."  It is a game of asking questions, failing, learning, asking more questions and on occasion succeeding.  It is a game of asking for MORE than you want to get exactly for what you hoped.  It is asking for three to get two, when all you really wanted was one.  Make sense?

If you are EXPECTING yourself to be successful in business, you had better become like those dorky kids in high school – a lifelong, passionate LEARNER.  You had also better start asking as many QUESTIONS of everything around you in order to understand the "game and its rules" such that you can WIN.

Today, I asked for an AIRCRAFT of marketing deals and ended up with a BATTLESHIP.  Frankly, I would have been happy with a tugboat. 

Ask for what you WANT.  Let other people say NO.  Never sell yourself short on WHY you cannot or should not do something.  The world is yours for the taking… as long as you are doing the asking!



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