Morning Motivator – Why Dorks Become Superstars

"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill

I must warn you that if you were a DORK in high school, you may take offense to this Morning Motivator.  You have been warned…

I have been thinking about all the GOOFBALLS that I see with hot girls, nice cars, great jobs and by all accounts "success."  I am always AMAZED at how often "Most Likely To Succeed" is a failure, "Most Attractive" is anything but and so on… Yet the BIGGEST DORKS seem to have made it in adult life!

Why?  They have years of EXCEPTIONAL training for the "real world" (no, not that lame MTV show).

In high school and likely earlier, the goofy kids have been "FAILING" at social acceptance, relationships and achieving the prestige they so sought after from their peers.

The cool thing is that school only lasts so long, then, we all become OUTCASTS in our workplace.  Whether we are the new person, the one that has the least experience, or just DO NOT know the politics of how "things work."

We all become the GOOFBALL – like it or not.  The difference being that the "loser" from school already know how to NAVIGATE these seas, while the cool kids flounder, constantly reliving their successes of past days.  (Being cool kind of sucks huh?)

FAILURE is really an ACCOMPLISHMENT.  It builds resilience, creativity and for those that are well skilled at it, it builds EXPERTISE in overcoming.   SUCCESS is the achieved by being able to fail over and over until you ATTAIN your goals.  If you have never lost… how can you really WIN?



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