Morning Motivator – You Better Get Creative

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
- Steve Jobs

Let's face it – things rarely work out EXACTLY as we hoped.  Often, we are "mostly there" with some minor glitch that seems to create a major counter-effect of anxiety.  Kind of like when you show up for a presentation without your note cards… ugh!

The DIFFERENCE between people that achieve and those that fail often comes down to CREATIVITY during these times of "just off" plans.  YOUR ability to be dynamic and flexible while maintaining composure and consistency will ELEVATE you to the next level.

How will you REACT when things don't go EXACTLY your way?

You can solve most challenges quickly and effectively if you are WELL CONNECTED and STAY COOL under pressure.

First, ASSESS your situation and determine what you need at a MINIMUM to accomplish your goal.

Once you IDENTIFY the minimum need, determine if someone can AID you with that need and delegate if so.  If not, it is on you… you better get to work quickly.  Crib notes, a detailed description instead of a sample, or even taking a "field trip" to get where you need to be (taking others with you) – all are FEASIBLE ways of "faking it 'till you make" through your challenge.

Lastly, remember that most things are able to be easily FIXED.  Whether by apology, delay, or my favorite, just "winging it", you have the ability to get through your challenge… if you can just tap into a little bit of your CREATIVITY!


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