Morning Motivator – The Education “System” (Revisited)

"The school system cannot bear all the blame.  At some point, the parents must accept responsibility."
- Anonymous Morning Motivator respondent

In keeping with the "fixing the schools" theme, today we will EXAMINE the parents of our failing children.  Yes, that is right, no one is safe…

School systems are BROKE (and broken).  They lack the resources to provide our children with books, supplies and more.  This is why poor children often UNDERPERFORM in comparison to more affluent children, right?  We have multiple examples of how Paxton from the West side of town grows up to be a powerful attorney and DeMarcus from the East side grows up to be a drug dealer.  HORSE CR@P!!  (and yes, I did note the underlying race issue that we all are afraid to touch).

Many SUCCESSFUL, POWERFUL individuals have come from meager upbringings.  Many upper middle-class white children have grown up to be drug addicts… MANY.  Of, what can the UNDERLYING causation of these varying success be a result?

PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT.  Yes, how INVOLVED a parent is in the success of their child is DIRECTLY correlated to the ACHIEVEMENTS of the child.

When Paxton's parents send him to private school, give him a BMW and provide him all the fancy toys his heart desires as a DIVERSION for the shortfall of time and attention they provide him in his success development, how can one be SURPRISED he turns to drugs and alcohol at his PRIVATE school?

When DeMarcus' parents stay on his tail everyday to study, stay out of trouble and be THANKFUL for what luxuries they do have, is it a surprise he excels in a BAD school with lacking resources?

When PARENTS pass of their responsibility to a teacher for the 6-7 hours that they have the child, ABDICATING all responsibility for the other 17-18 hours of the day, you can be ASSURED the child WILL find the attention they desire – good or bad.

Save a kid… Hold a parent ACCOUNTABLE to their child's grades and behavior in the school… then again, outside of it!


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