Morning Motivator – The Education “System” (Final Dose)

"The children are poorly behaved and the money is lacking.  The teachers are the savior of our systems."
- Unknown

In the past Morning Motivator installments, we have reviewed the Education "System" from money to students… now onto Teachers.

Understandingly, this is a very TOUCHY subject.  The challenge here is that the poor teachers and their "sacred" unions are undermining the good teachers.  The good teachers are DEFEATED week in and week out by the arrogance of poor teachers, many of whom have tenure, undeservingly.

The reality is that ANY OTHER JOB is based on productivity and results based work.  If business professionals FAIL to deliver a good service or product, they are fired or forced out of business.  If a physician performs poor practice, they are released from the hospital at which they work.  Crappy teachers, however, are PROTECTED by their tenure, and GOOD ones are held down by a system that does not allow performance based funding…

Education, like most other government run institutions, is a pool of MEDIOCRITY and LOW STANDARDS.  Driven by individuals too liberal and fearful of ALIENATING anyone that is, in fact, of lesser quality or lesser ambition. 

What is the CURE for better teachers?  Is it more money?  YES, it is!!

For teachers that execute efficiently and perform WELL, more money, ultimately based on the results and achievements of their students.  LESS money and FIRINGS for teachers that fail to execute or achieve results – just like a REAL business!

We must ELIMINATE this sacred cow mentality of protecting people that UNDERPERFORM, provide RECOURSE for tenured professionals that show INEPTITUDE after achieving tenure, and begin REWARDING excellence.  Besides, as a GOOD teacher, what about that makes you afraid?


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