Morning Motivator – Build a Specific Team

"Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."
-  Vince Lombardi

Today, I am INTERVIEWING interns to work with my company in South Louisiana.  This will be step one in a two-step process to determine who is the IDEAL fit for our group.  Seem like overkill for an intern position?  Possibly, but, when you consider they REPRESENT you, your business and your dream… you better make sure they are the RIGHT FIT.

What makes a GOOD team member - skill, dedication, ambition, discipline, organization?  Sure, all those work.  Yet, none may matter.  What about charisma?  Social presence?  Connectivity?  Creativity?  Are those more or less important?

The point of building a team is to IMPLANT individuals that fill gaps in your skill set, amplify your vision and drive to help meet your goals.  If they were not a fit for any of those needs, then why would you hire them?

People are often afraid to say NO to a good person that does not meet the needs of the organization.  Sure, they have a talent, great personality, and many more things you want in a superstar, but if they are not a FIT for what you are lacking today… why add them?

Your team needs to be BUILT on specifics designed to meet your goals in whatever areas you are lacking.  Need a superstar sales person, then who cares how good of an accountant your cousins' friend is.  Need a manager, stay away from the sales people.

Great people show up at all the wrong times CONSTANTLY.  The TRICK is to put them on your "virtual bench," keeping in close contact with them and continuing to let them know of your interest, waiting the day that you can fit them into your team.  In the meantime, tell them, "THANK YOU, but today we are not in a place that we can use your skills."

Then schedule a lunch for 4 months from now and keep them close… assuming really were that SUPERSTAR you want on your team someday soon!


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