Morning Motivator – “TRUE LOVE”

"All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time."
- Julie Andrews

Let us examine TRUE LOVE.  Let me precursor this with saying I am not the SCROOGE of Valentine's Day, although I do believe it is a farce of a holiday. 

LOVE is a feeling, much like joy or sadness.  It is a fleeting feeling that comes and goes with emotional variances from an individual.  Love can pass, change, exhaust, expose and enthrall.  Love can be lost as well as found.

The thing about TRUE LOVE is that it is authentic and unchanging.  While the emotion may vary, the COMMITMENT is the same.  It is UNALTERED in its focus, regardless of its intensity or passion as the moment.  Think of the food you love most – you have and always will LOVE it, even if you are a little burned out here and there.

WORK and RELATIONSHIPS are the same with respect to love, although the RELATIONSHIP is more challenging because there is another person involved.

Your work is a LOVE… No, not your job - your work.  The things you love to do at your job or in your development.  Maybe it is negotiation, design or analytics.  Regardless, you always go back to it and do it with PASSION. 

In a relationship, TRUE LOVE is with the person with whom you always want to be.  Sure, you may want to give them a flying elbow from the top rope on occasion, but you would not imagine anyone else in their place.  This LOVE is founded upon respect, shared values and mutual considerations.  It is also a trial of negotiations and concessions, yet, in the end, the passion to endure the journey TOGETHER is what demonstrates TRUE LOVE.

The lesson here?  Love your work and give someone you love a flying elbow drop… just kidding of course!  Happy Valentine's Day!


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