"Why would I sponsor that? It doesn't help me meet my goals."
- Anonymous
Being a PROFESSIONAL means understanding what other professionals VALUE their business. It is HELPING them solve their needs and achieve their goals in one tightly crafted package.
How does one go about finding out this information? Simple. Do you know? It is really quite easy. YOU ASK!
INQUIRING with other professionals that, on the surface, appear to have similar goals, markets, values or business drivers will prove to be the MOST APPROPRIATE starting place for creating connectivity. ENGAGING these professionals in DISCUSSION regarding their goals, your value as a professional or business that you can deliver and the SYMMETRY between the two businesses will prove to be the CATALYST for making business sense (and transactions).
Too often, business people chase any and every opportunity to "tell their story." They are told (by their ineffective management), "It's a numbers game" and that their best success action is to go meet as many people as possible and make sure everyone knows what they do.
True, it IS a numbers game! The person that has the most MEANINGFUL discussions with the most APPROPRIATE business partners… WINS! The person who best UTILIZES their time in meeting with the HIGHEST POTENTIAL clients… WINS! The person that throws up their stupid sales pitch that in NO WAY matters to my business is an IDIOT (and should be punched)!
Ask yourself, "Does this make business sense for THEM?" If yes, or mostly yes, ENGAGE. If no, move on. Your success is a matter of having BETTER relationships, not having the most! Does that make sense?
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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