Morning Motivator – Make It EASY to Pay!

"Sorry this number is not a working number.  Thank you."
- National Auto Finance 800 number tele-operator

In the world of all things that PISS ME OFF – the inability to easily pay a bill sits right behind driving behind someone doing 10 under the speed limit. 

Yesterday, I FINALLY, after 4 months, was able to find out "where the hell" my truck note is processed.  Being a Nissan truck, you would assume that either it was with Nissan Financing or the company reporting to my credit.  Alas, of course not, that would be far too easy!

The NEW financing company is Ally bank, who manages all auto payment processing for - you guessed it - GMAC!  Of course Nissan would be there and OF COURSE my prior company, still reporting to my credit, would NOTIFY me that if I wanted to change the way I pay, that I should call Ally!  Of course, they did not…

Look, lets' make this very simple.  If you want people to pay you money, MAKE IT EASY!  If you need to change the process, MAKE IT EASY.  If you change the system, MAKE IT EASY!

Moreover, by gosh, if you are going to ask people to SEND YOU MONEY – put a phone number, email address or set up a freaking website to MAKE IT EASY!!

I have not missed a payment on this truck, but, in the future, I will ask WHO will be "holding the note" when I finance a vehicle, because this has just sucked…

CONGRATS to National Auto Finance in conjunction with Ally Bank!  You SUCK!  Love, Zach.


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